Sunday, April 24, 2011

Respect...oh i am sorry

The other day as i was travelling in a bus and one thing that came up to my astonishment, when i saw a girl  ready to get down the bus and as she got up from her seat she happened to stamp the feet of a fellow passenger. and she was a muslim lady who had covered her face with her burkha. i felt proud as an indian to see her touching, followed by touching her forehead and then her lips with a sweet apologised tone saying sorry!!!
and thats where i had thoughts just flowing my mind with a sweet sense of respect, that man have for eachother. Many political issues have taken deep roots in the mind of the people now-a-days because of gender differences, due to reservations in different sectors of society .....
If we closely look at these problems then the most affected part of the society is, the idea of looking at the needs of the female sector as a bondage or disturbance in their daily life but the fact is that they are not ready to look at us with equal importance. As it is nature has gifted us sensitivity but to survive in this world we always need help and hence we have to ask for the form of reservations nd quota's....which inturn have made a difference in the thinking of the second gender come together friend, get along because we all are walking in the same path , just that our physical qualities differ but still  ..............UNITED WE STAND ....DIVIDED WE FALL......

Monday, April 18, 2011

A walk.....Live it when u have time...

Some time as i walk along the path there are too many bumps and jerks that my feet has to bear. Still the walk goes on till reaches its destiny. The destiny that keeps extending itself with time. Happiness  and sadness are part of the same coin and we are the coin itself that bear those marks on us through out our existance on this earth.
During this walk our vision and our heart is the biggest support that helps us to lead on and on. Whereas the mind keeps us busy getting confusion on our path. As i moved on this path one day i came across a stone that was beautiful in every aspects of form, colour and texture. and i got attracted towards it. The more I came closer to it, the stone became more beautiful and graceful but the distance between us streatched.
Finally i was tired reaching towards this stone and then i had to explain myself it is difficult to touch this stone...but if i truly wish for it to touch ,then believe that i have already touch that stone, and it is already is just the fact that my mind is confusing me whereas my heart believes i have already got that stone and it always was mine...will remain mine ...forever and ever......

Monday, April 11, 2011


Late evening at seven, packing up my bag for a short span of rest and there i banged my head with him. thoughts just kept running as i entered into a sweet feeling, a presence of a different world, a sweet smile, a gentle feel, a smooth touch of care when the words entered my ears, a presence of a heavenly place where imaginations just flew across gently as their wings touched my eyes.

u can feel it when u are awake, Ucan feel it when you are asleep, U can feel it with the blowing of a gentle wind when it passes by, U can feel it when u see everything cheerful around, U can feel it when you find the rising sun touching the sky, U can feel it when the moonlight touches the leaves.

Love as beautiful as it sounds, a beautiful flower that blooms with the rising sun... love which is the most powerful feeling on earth that makes its presence in the existance of life on this universe.

a man and woman are the one who depict this beautiful expression of love in a pure spirit by taking different forms ...a mother ,a wife, a husband, a child, a father....all are a part of this sacred mystery called LOVE...............SO FALL IN LOVE ...AN INVISIBLE MIRACLE.....INDEED!